Monday, 18 June 2012

The Primary Objective Of Friendly Dating

Dating happens when two individuals or partners get into an intimate relationship after assessing each other’s compatibility. It is a process in which both the partners try to understand if the other person would be suitable for him/her. The primary objective of friendly dating is to get to develop a healthy relationship, by understanding the likes and dislikes of one’s partner. As the word goes dating has several meanings, in standard terms it could be defined as mutual agreement towards a social activity as a couple, in public or together. With regard to country, social class, religion, age sexual orientation, gender etc, social rules have differentiated friendly dating.

Disappointment & Embarrassment in Dating

Disappointment is the primarily because of failure in love. Women in most cultures have been defined as a complex partner, who is difficult to understand. Once a man and woman get into a relationship, it might be friendly in the beginning but later might develop into love and end up in marriage. But this might not be the case always; at times the women might be just Flirt or may not be having a passionate feeling towards the partner. In situations like these men might get depressed and sometimes feel embarrassed due to failure in love. Mental depressions such as these can induce them to take drastic steps too. Hence it is better to understand in the beginning of the relationship about the moves of the opposite sex if she is really keen on taking it further.

Understanding the right moves

True love and intimacy is something that cannot happen at the first sight as it develops over a period of time. Unfortunately true love might not always grow into a lasting relationship. In order to determine or learn if the partner is interested, one should try and understand signs of each other and move accordingly to ensure the wrong direction is not taken. Few signs of interest shown by a girl while dating could be to watch, if she goes out of the way to do things for her man, it she shows care and concern. When chatting with her friends, relatives or co-workers she brags about her guy, since she sees herself as an extension of him. Without complaining she is beside her man at times of sickness or ill-health.

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